Monday 19 April 2010

~New Life~

I bought a new sim card, Lebara which allows me to have low rates for international calls and it charges 5p/min for calls to Malaysia. Why? Because I realised I need some way to contact my family other than online methods. SMSes take time and due to its "Short" Messaging System we will always try to cut out words, leaving out information in the end. So I figured out I need cheap international calls. Kinda troublesome to use though, since I only have 1 PDA, so I have to swap with my usual O2 sim card each time I want to call Malaysia.

My kaklang had been pregnant for quite some time and had been warded due to complications for more than a month. I kept wanting for updates on her condition, but knowing my family, they rarely did. I had to keep asking and the answer will always be the same, "dia ok jer". So I called her last Friday evening (her midnight) just to ask about her and talk to her. The call ended after 55 mins, one of my longest phone calls ever, but it was worth it. I can tell she was happy hearing from me and sebab dapat gak gosip. Bosan gile kot duduk kat wad sebulan lebih... She was scheduled for a Caesarian section on Monday the 19th so I wanted to have a long talk with her before that day.

That night I was packing up for my Paris trip, crossing out items from my list while browsing stuff (mainly Facebook and chat) when suddenly I got a message in my Yahoo! Messenger from my bro Zayd. He said that kaklang had just been brought to the operating room. I panicked for a while. I knew I told her not to laugh that much during our 55 min call, nanti terberanak situ gak kang... and there she was that night, heading to the OR. Kakngah called me and I called her back using Lebara. She expressed her worries because kaklang was bleeding quite a lot, and they were going to have an emergency C-section. It should also be mentioned that no one from the family was with kaklang at the moment. My parents and siblings were at home, my bro-in-law was in Penang, my grandparents were in Parit Buntar and kakngah was at Johor. I pressed them to go and accompany kaklang there while I was sitting on my chair, tak keruan. I prayed for her, did solat hajat and read Yasiin for her, so that everything will go smoothly, successfully and safely for her and her baby.
After so many minutes which seemed like hours, at 7:50 am Malaysian Time 17 April 2010, my first nephew was born. Abah and mama's first grandchild. A new life born onto this earth. Alhamdulillah.... I was very thankful it went fine.. and now I'm an uncle. =D Congratzz kaklang and abang lang!!! A hectic night indeed...

The next day I went to London and then to another city at the South East of the UK to see my bestest friend, spent the night there and back to London (where I am currently). I'm spending the night here before going on my train tomorrow at 6:55am to Paris with Faisal.

-Oh. Another thing. Referring to my previous blog post under "Small World". When I thought the world might just not be any smaller than that, I was told something yesterday which . It seems that the friend of a friend that I was stalking before on FB and met in London was actually Faisal's COUSIN. @_@'' And I'm sleeping at his house in London with Faisal..

The world is just too small.

So that should be it for now.
Au revoir.


  1. what a wonderful world~ (for me the world is juz too big..huhu)
