Wednesday, 3 November 2010

~That which was never written~

It's been such a long while since I last updated my blog. It's not that I don't have anything to write about, be it interesting or otherwise, truthfully speaking I have loads to write about. It's just that I feel like I don't have the time to.

Though that's what I'm claiming.

In reality I still have time to waste doing other stuff. Writing a post will presumably take a whole night and with my workload I kept feeling a sense of guilt each time I'm about to write up a post. This has been holding me back every time, in addition to the amount of stuff I want to write about since the last post ('Eidul-Fitri, London, Paintball, OH!, Lab, Life, New Pals, Barcelona, etc. etc.). So much has happened and it will take too long to recall each and every one of them, and I just don't have the hours and energy =_=''.

I have a CPGS first-year thesis submission due on the 3rd of December, and I am supposed to be using my time solely working on it, looking at the proximity of the deadline. InshaAllah I'll make it through, I just need to work harder. Pray for me please =]
I'm expecting this blog to stay dormant until I submit my thesis, so please bear with me.

Spirit, Passion and most importantly Effort, to fulfill the purpose of achieving Allah's Pleasure and help uphold the name of Islam.


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